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About North Kirklees MVP

North Kirklees Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) is also known as ‘Maternity Mouthpiece’, is a friendly group of parent representatives and professionals that work together to shape and develop local maternity services.

North Kirklees MVP have:-

  • Worked closely with perinatal mental health services to ensure that local women have access to appropriate mental health support before, during and after their pregnancy.
  • Worked with local women and local professionals to develop resources and share information about the treatment of perineal trauma.
  • Assisted with the introduction of stop smoking messages outside Pinderfields Hospital in Wakefield.

North Kirklees MVP continue to:-

  • Work closely with Kirklees Council Public Health to give children the best start in life by encouraging positive lifestyle choices for a better outcome for mother and baby.
  • Work closely with the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Local Maternity System to implement the Better Birth Strategy.
  • Work in partnership with Mid Yorkshire NHS Hospital Trust, Thriving Kirklees and Locala to develop resources for families and parents about maternity services and early years.
  • Complete the 15 Steps for Maternity within the maternity wards at Mid Yorkshire NHS Hospital Trust.