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Bradford District & Craven MVP Meeting Minutes November 2021

Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) – Main Meeting
Thursday 4th November 2021 on Zoom

Present: Laila Ahmed (CNet), Jenny Pratt (CNet) (minutes), Abbie Wild (Act As One Better Births) Charlotte Hamilton
(Bradford Breastfeeding Buddies), Julie Newbold ( Bradford Breastfeeding Buddies) Alison Brown (Better Start
Bradford), Arshad Hussain (15 Steps Review Lead), Sara Hollins Head of Midwifery (Bradford Royal Infirmary), Masira
Hans (Mind in Bradford & WHN Chair ), Sarah Worsted for Rush Shaw (BD&C CCG), Caz Merrett ( Bradford Doulas), Katie
James (Perinatal Peer Support Services), Zafar Kayani (Betterstart Bradford), Fazeela Hanif (Highfield Community
Centre), Lorraine Pryce (Bradford Doulas), Ann Orr Midwife Matron ( Bradford Royal Infirmary), Debi Gibson (Deputy
Head Midwife Airedale General), Naz Kazim (Keighley Association for Women and Children), Shelley Franklin King
(Bradford Doulas).

Apologies: Aliya Fazil (Chair of MVP), Yazmin Shah (CNet), Samina Koser (CNet freelancer)

  1. Welcome / Introductions/Apologies
    Due to Aliya’s absence, Laila chaired the meeting, welcomed everyone and thanked
    everyone for attending. A round of introductions were then made.
  2. Minutes of the last meeting and Matters Arising
    Minutes were agreed as correct, and actions were discussed.
    Action still to completed due to staff absences:
    ACTION: Yazmin to arrange for MVP banners to be dropped off at Airedale and BRI
  3. Updates
    Sara Hollins (Bradford Royal Infirmary)
    Sara explained that things are difficult at the moment as, although Maternity Services are
    being invested in across the country, there is a national shortage of midwives and
    associated staffing. Sara explained that they have maximised the workforce that is out
    there but still haven’t been able to build up staff from natural losses. There is an increase
    of staff needing to take short term sick leave due to Covid. These concerns have been
    raised by the Executive Team to Tracy Cooper their Regional Manager. The priority is
    keeping women and babies safe and having processes in place to ensure this , however
    there may have to compromise on choice due to the staffing issue.
    Covid Vaccine
    Sara shared that the national uptake of the Covid Vaccine by pregnant women is poor and
    our area is particularly low. They are increasingly seeing pregnant women who are Covid
    positive. Every single woman on intensive care has not been vaccinated. BRI maternity
    have been running successful pop up clinics in the department. Sara would like more
    messaging to go out, particularly to dads and whole communities to support vaccinating
    pregnant women.  Sara explained that there are many complex reasons for people not taking up the vaccine
    and that we could share women’s experiences more widely but there is a balance between
    being sensitive and the weight of the danger.
    Hypnobirthing Service
    Launched hypnobirthing service. This is not a commissioned service and we do have to
    charge to cover staff time. Starting with very vulnerable parents and then hoping to roll it
    out wider.
    Theatre Build
    The theatre build is continuing and the Outstanding Maternity Services has its 1 year
    Anniversary Event on the 11th November.
    15 Step Review
    Update later from Arshad. These are small steps but they all add up. We are very proud of
    our relationship with our MVP members and this ongoing collaboration project.
    Naz from KAWCC said that she would like to see any Covid messaging to be available in
    Punjabi and Urdu.
    ACTION: Laila to pass this to the CCG Comms team.
    Debi Gibson (Airedale General)
    Debi fedback that they are experiencing similar problems to Bradford. They have funding
    but are struggling with recruitment. They are increasing staffing of Band 2 & 3 to provide
    support. Middle management are on call but there is concern around staff wellbeing due
    to the staffing issues.  Debi stated that we do have links with Act as One and Bradford Universities but there is
    just not enough midwives out there.
    Covid Vaccine                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Debi stated that the situation is the same in Airedale as in Bradford.
    Arshad Hussain (Maternity 15 Step Review)
    Arshad shared with members that on 28th October we reviewed the Birth Centre and the
    Scan Department at BRI with Alison Brown, Bernie Morley, and Sara Hollins. The review
    went really well and the report and evaluation will be shared with everyone once it has
    been drafted by Alison Powel. We have 1 review left to do at the Neonatal Unit. We found
    lots of good practice and it was a really interesting visit. It is important to note that the
    midwives and nurses were very welcoming and we would like this to be taken back to the
    At Airedale the review took place at the Airedale Maternity Assessment Centre, Ante-natal
    Clinic and waiting areas by Sarah Simpson, Wendy, Holly Vincent and Alison Brown. This
    also went very smoothly and the evaluation showed that a few things could be improved
    but nothing major. The next review will be on 16th December, we need 1 more mum and
    to decide on which department to cover. Once Holly has finished the report we will share it
    MVP members.
    Alison mentioned how well organised and well supported these visits have been and that
    having mums involved has been really impactful. Alison stated that she could see how
    seriously the review is being taken by both maternity teams.
    Laila Ahmed – CNet
    Strategic Board Updates
    MVP feeds into Better Births, Outstanding Maternity Services, Local Maternity Services and
    Regional Programme Boards. We have a number of core people who attend these to make
    sure the MVP voice is heard and that issues, themes emerging from members and MVP
    partners are shared on these platforms.
    We are excited to announce our first face to face event for 18 months. The Better Births
    Engagement Event is being held on Thursday 18th November 2021 at Keighley Central Hall
    (Main Hall). There is also be one for Bradford at the Carlisle Business Centre on Thursday
    25th November.
    The format for the events will be brief presentations from MVP Chair and BRI/AGH
    Maternity Teams, workshops around Digital Inclusion, Birthing Experiences ,Parent
    Education Classes, Covid Vaccine Information and a creative arts workshop.
    Due to Covid restriction ,there will be a limit of 50 places per event, and a limited number
    of stalls.
    These events are targeted at women & families who are pregnant or have had a baby in the
    last 2 years. There will be a specific recruitment from seldom reached communities .
    ACTION: YS – 15 Step Review reports to be shared with members.   ACTION: YS visit community bases to recruit parents and forward publicity for booking to members.
    Members News
    Bradford Doulas
    We are actively recruiting volunteer Doulas. Our staff team has increased and demand is
    increasing. The next training session is January 2022 so please encourage anyone
    interested to get in touch. Contact via 01274 223232 and
    Better Start Bradford
    Baby week is week commencing 15th November. We will be holding activities for mums
    dads and babies. Please check our website for further information
    Perinatal Peer Support Services
    Katie James has taken over as the new service manager from Gemma Smith. We are here
    to support people with perinatal health. Please forward any referrals. They will also be
    having activities in Baby Week. Full details on our Facebook page or please email
    [email protected] or phone 07966 926849.
    Highfield Community Centre
    We are holding a MOT health check event on 16th November with Covid vaccines, flu jabs,
    Blood Pressure monitoring, etc. This will include a Stay and Play session.
    Laila would like a stall at their event. Fazeela to email Laila.
    Keighley Association for Women and Children
    Holding an event with Modality on the 23rd November for Health Check sessions, Covid
    booster sessions and bloop pressure monitoring. Doctors will be present on the day to talk
    to people and promote the vaccine.
    Act as One Better Births
    On Self Care Week we will be at the Airedale Shopping Centre on 17th November 2021 and
    at the Broadway on the 18th November 2021 with information about Breastfeeding.
    Laila thanked everyone for attending and closed the meeting.